Should You Cut All Ties With Your Ex During No Contact?

Reasons to Unfollow Your Ex During No Contact

No contact is a commonly recommended strategy for getting over a breakup. After all, it can be hard to move on if you keep seeing or hearing about your ex every day.

That’s why it’s important to take steps to distance yourself from them, including unfollowing them on social media. Here are some reasons why you should consider unfollowing your ex during no contact:

Having your ex’s posts show up in your newsfeed can be extremely distracting and make it harder for you to focus on healing and moving on with life.

Pros and Cons of Unfollowing Your Ex

When it comes to the pros and cons of unfollowing your ex, there’s a lot to consider. On the plus side, not having them pop up in your feed can help you move on faster, as it removes a physical reminder of their presence.

Seeing updates about their life might make you feel like they’re living an amazing life without you — even if that’s not actually the case. On the other hand, if you never really had closure or are still harboring feelings for them, it might be best to keep tabs on their activities so that you can be sure they’re doing okay.

How to Unfollow Your Ex on Social Media

Unfollowing your ex on social media can be a difficult but necessary step to take when you’re ready to move past a relationship. It may bring up some uncomfortable emotions, but it will ultimately help you move on and heal.

Here are some tips for how to unfollow your ex on social media:

Consider why you’re unfollowing your ex. Take the time to think about why you’re taking this step and what it means for both of you.

Alternatives to Unfollowing Your Ex

If you’re feeling tempted to unfollow your ex, there are some alternatives that may help you cope and move on from the breakup.

One of the most powerful alternatives is to focus on yourself and invest in self-care. Taking a break from social media can be beneficial for healing after a breakup.

Spend time with friends, family or colleagues, go out for coffee or take a walk in nature; these activities can help you start to heal and move forward without having to unfollow your ex.


FlirtHookup is a great dating app for those looking to find new romantic connections and start a relationship. It can be used as an alternative to the classic no contact rule if you’re trying to get over an ex.

The app has features that allow users to filter out potential matches that are connected with their ex, so they won’t have any awkward encounters or reminders of their past relationships. FlirtHookup allows users to keep track of who they’ve liked in order to avoid any confusion when it comes time for them to make their move and ask someone out on a date.


Instasex is a popular dating app that has gained traction in recent years. For those looking to move on from an ex, it can be a great way to meet new people and start fresh. While the app itself does not explicitly offer any guidance on how to manage your relationship with your former partner, there are some basic tips you can follow if you decide to use Instasex while going through No Contact with your ex.

Most importantly, it’s important to keep any contact with your ex strictly off the app. This means avoiding messaging or engaging in conversations about them.


Hinge is an incredibly popular dating site for those looking to start a relationship with someone new. With its unique approach to matchmaking, it can be the perfect platform for those who are trying to get out of a difficult situation and move on from an ex.

Should you unfollow your ex during no contact? Hinge can help you here too! By providing connections fake tinder profile template with potential partners who may have similar interests or hobbies, it takes away some of the temptation of following your ex online.

Should I unfollow my ex on social media during a no contact period in order to stay focused on self-improvement?

Yes, it is a good idea to unfollow your ex on social media during a no contact period. This can help you stay focused on self-improvement and reduce click here the temptation of reaching out. Continuing to follow your ex could make it more difficult to move on in a healthy way.

Is there any benefit in keeping tabs on my ex’s social media while observing no contact?

No, there is no benefit in keeping tabs on your ex’s social media while observing no contact. Not only will it be emotionally draining for you, but it can also be detrimental to your own healing process. Seeing updates from your ex might bring up old feelings or tempt you to try and reach out. It’s best to focus on yourself and take time away from the online world so that you can start fresh and move forward with your life.

What are some strategies for avoiding the temptation to check up on my ex while still practicing no contact?

One strategy for avoiding the temptation to check up on your ex while still practicing no contact is to unfollow them on all social media. This way, you won’t be seeing their posts and photos that can lead to feelings of nostalgia or longing. Block their number from your phone and delete any messages they have sent you. It’s important to remove anything that could possibly trigger the temptation to reach out.
